Getting Eyes on the BMET Industry
Jul 11, 2022

HTM INSIDER – Bryant Hawkins and Chace Torres
Fri, 7/8 9:34AM • 27:41
biomed, htm, people, bryant, industry, podcast, field, equipment, technicians, career, med tech, thought, talk, words, expo, question, bearded, insider, wisdom, magic wand
Chyrill Sandrini, Bryant Hawkins, Chace Torres
Chyrill Sandrini 00:14
Hey, welcome back to HTM Insider again, you know, I’m your hosts, Chyrill with MultiMedical Systems. And this is going to be kind of different today. So we’ve got two other HTM podcasts on with us. We have Bryant Hawkins and Chace, you know, the Bearded Biomed. I know you’ve heard of that guy. And we’re gonna just talk about some things in the industry, and then, you know, share some experiences that we’re experiencing ourselves at podcast host, and just in the industry itself. So thanks for joining us again today. And I want to start off with my friend Bryant with Crothall and HTM on the Line, Bryant, want to introduce yourself?
Bryant Hawkins 00:54
Hello, everyone. Thanks for having me. Chyrill. My name is Bryant Hawkins Sr. And as mentioned, I am the host of HTM on the Line. And it’s a podcast that is by HTM for HTM,
Chyrill Sandrini 01:07
I like it, and Chace. Go ahead and take it away.
Chace Torres 01:14
Appreciate you having me, hopefully you guys listening know me as the Bearded Biomed, was partially inspired by the HTM Insider Podcast. And you know, it’s kind of grown to be something special. And I really appreciate all the listeners and looking forward to the conversation today.
Chyrill Sandrini 01:37
Yeah, isn’t it kind of amazing, you know, that feel the dreams kind of everyone thought that we were a little crazy. I know, everyone thought I was a little crazy, which is par for the course. But you know, we built it and they’re coming and they’re listening. So thank you for all you tuning in and listening on our podcast and on tech nation, you’re getting your CEU credits, which you know, is an extra bonus right? So let’s kind of jump in. So if I give you each a magic wand, just imagine a magic wand in your hand. You know, you’re the fairy godmother of HTM, Chace, what would you change in the industry right now, if you had a magic wand and you could wave it.
Chace Torres 02:19
I mean, the first thing I could think of is something that would dramatically impact the field, which is awareness, because that was one of the sole reasons I created the podcast was to give more voice more attention to the industry as a whole. Let people know that aren’t affiliated with the field doesn’t have any kind of contact with the biomed at all. You know, there was something like a magic wand that I could wave to really put the HTM professional as a career path on the same level as our nurses, doctors, anesthesiologist, radiologists as a tangible, sought after career path that any person coming out of, you know, high school, college, what have you would want to pursue.
Chyrill Sandrini 03:12
Yeah, I mean, I totally agree. And Bryant Don’t you agree like you’ve been in the business a long time, when you said I’m a biomed? Did you get confused with biomedical engineering like people thought you were with beakers and testing things and creating push motion potions in the background?
Bryant Hawkins 03:30
Well, actually, when I tell people, I’m about med tech, but back then Well, today also, “What is that?” That’s the first question I get every time I’d say about med tech. And then when I go explaining to them what bio med techs do. “Oh, that makes sense.” And if you offered me that question that you gave Chace, about the magic one, if I could put one out there, I would stop the aging and bring everybody back 25 years. But since that probably won’t happen. If I’m on the same boat with Chace, we’re making everyone aware of the industry. Because it’s very, it’s everyone, they need a lot of people right now. And if we can make people aware of it, and I was just talking to my wife about this, and she said, she gave me a good idea. She said, Well, how about if you just go to all of the schools that have the program and give the instructors your podcast link. And that can give them give it to their students and their students can take it and give it to their friends who asked them what they’re taking in school. So I went on, um, it’s the HTM in the box link. And AAMI has a list of every school in America by state. So I’m up to five advisors I started today. So I just shot him an email. And Chase says maybe something you can pop in there. I’ll send them your link also. And that way they can. They can share it with their friends. And who asked them because I know everybody friend, asks them “What are you taken up in school?”, and they could share these podcasts with them, and they could find out or they could share with their students. So that’s my goal. And I’ll sit in all three about links to each email.
Chyrill Sandrini 05:15
And you know, we did a podcast, we did a an episode that was called what is a BMET? And how do you become a BMET? Right? Someone’s out there. And I just want people to Google search that Yeah, right. Maybe that’s something you guys can add is, maybe add a link or add a link to that episode with Monty from CBET. But it’s just go sit back to the basics. And I know that you know, Brian might share something special. We both have brand new BMET 1’s as kids. That’s pretty cool. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Bryant Hawkins 05:49
I son, he’s really enjoying the field. And every day, he’s glad he’s in the field and the funny story, like when I used to go to his baseball games, and he’s a kid, I’ll go with my scrubs zone. And the first question, the kids would ask, your dad’s a nurse, Doctor. Now he’s about med tech. What is that? So he comes home one day after leaving the grocery store, he has some scrubs, because your dad, um, you said what you mean? He said, one of my friends saw me wearing scrubs and asked me was I a nurse or a doctor? I said, No, I’m about med tech. What is that? Yes, sir. Yeah, that’s funny.
Chyrill Sandrini 06:28
Because, you know, we had Danielle McGeary on talking about htm in a box, right. I’ve used it myself. I’ve even sent it to adults. Yes, who are looking to change careers. Maybe they’re just, you know, tired of what they’re doing. Or maybe that a career ending moment that they’re looking for a new profession. And their same thing? What is it? Right? I mean, honestly, you guys, I thought we had pickup biomed waste. When I first heard about being a BMET or biomed. I’m like, I am not picking up hazardous waste and red bag in my car. That’s my thought it was and that was like, what, nine years ago? 10 years ago. So yeah, there’s a lot of education to do out there. And then when you go to the doctor’s office, or you go to any clinic, are you guys like people like myself? Looking for the pm stickers?
Bryant Hawkins 07:17
Oh, oh, yeah. Every time. My son does that now till he tells me Dad, I’m looking at the stickers now. That’s it’s a habit you’ll never forget.
Chace Torres 07:25
You know, another habit my wife pointed out to me is whenever we’re watching a TV show or movie, and I see a piece of medical equipment, and they’re like, they’re not using that no more. They’re not using it right.
Chyrill Sandrini 07:36
Yes. Yeah, recently that happened. And I’m like, That is a bronchoscope not a colonoscope. That does not go in that orifice.
Chace Torres 07:47
Or the favorite. I work on those.
Chyrill Sandrini 07:49
Yeah, exactly. So we talked about equipment. We talked about you know what your magic wand would be? Right. But what do you think the industry really needs right now more than people? And awareness? Can you find something else that you think wow, if we could just give this little nugget to the industry? It would improve? Maybe a process or anything? What are your ideas Chace.
Chace Torres 08:21
So oddly enough, season two of Bearded Biomed had launched today. And on the episode I had the first ever Bearded around a table. And I had several gentlemen on the podcast and we talked about, you know, what’s something that’s really that we could do better? I think as an industry, you know, we have let’s say, nine to 10,000 biomeds in the United States. Out of that, you know, ecosystem, we only have a certain amount of people putting in extra volunteer time and AAMI, expo’s us doing the podcast, Justin better biomed YouTube, Mayra biomed girl. It’s such a select few of people putting in their time, energy and their money to promote the field, get people engaged, build camaraderie, share information. And the field as a whole. I mean, most bio meds are pretty introverted. I had to kind of this podcast got me out of my shell, because one of the very few things I can talk about all day every day to people is, you know, what I do every day? Because I love it so much. And I think if there’s just a way that we could get more people to interact with each other within our field to, you know, build that community, because if you build it they will come. You know if people see that. So many people within our industry are just excited about what we do and share and revel in, you know, the impact we make day in and day out to patient care patient safety, then, you know, more people are going to become interested in what we’re doing. So, I guess the short answer to that long winded conclusion, that’s okay. was just basically more interaction between each other and, you know, within the field itself.
Chyrill Sandrini 10:16
Do you know that’s one of the reasons I was it was probably the compelling reason that HTM Insider came about. And again, remember that it was pretty new and people thought I was crazy. But how do I get a Perry Kerwin, a Chris Nowack, a Binseng Wang to talk to people about something that they’re passionate about? Right? I mean, how do you as a general biomed get to have a conversation or hear anything that they’re interested in is tough. I mean, they’ll have their roundtables together, right. But it’s really great to hear what they have to say. And, you know, I’d like to start a question answer, like, sending your questions and we can answer them, you know, what, what do you think Brian? What, what, what’s your take on it?
Bryant Hawkins 11:06
Well, sort of what Chace said like most of biomeds are introverts. And I think I’m an exception to the case because I’m more outgoing. So I thought
Chyrill Sandrini 11:15
As a teacher you would be outgoing Bryant.
Bryant Hawkins 11:18
So it’s like, I talked to everyone I made about it. I thought about that idea. Like, you know, are we have the kids bring the kids to work day. I was thinking maybe everyone that comes to the expo, bring a biomed with you to the expo. That’s never been. And I tell you, when you go to the expo, I went to my first one two years ago, and I’ve been in this field forever and never heard of it. So went to the one Expo I met tons of people met you. And I brag to everyone. I meet about it made you have to go to the expo, you have to check it out.
Chyrill Sandrini 11:50
Is that the one where you all got stuck in the elevator? In Florida?
Chace Torres 11:54
Yeah. Yeah, get more memorable than that.
Bryant Hawkins 12:00
16 flights of steps we had to go up just to get your luggage? Yeah. But yes, that was the first one. And man, it’s been awesome. And personally, I’d say people feed off passion. And unfortunately, a lot about med techs, don’t speak with passion. It’s not that they don’t have the passion for the field. But it may come across like he’s just talking, they don’t have that I’m, what’s the word I’m looking for. They don’t have that. They expression like, if you look at, um, Binseng Wang. He’s very knowledgeable. But he’s not going to have that big old 32 teeth smile while he’s talking. And some people may not gravitate toward it. But he’s very brilliant. And I think we just can keep doing with these podcasts because kids love electronics. And I think they always want to move. So this is one way, it’s a great way. And I think it’s picking up. There’s more people out there who’s starting to get into the podcast. So we may have more people doing podcasts. And one thing I’ve been trying to do is reach out to individuals in other countries. And ask them, what’s your story? How are you spreading the word in India, and London, Italy, I mean, because the industry is so huge. LinkedIn gives you that opportunity to meet people from all over. And I’ve talked with them before through messages and their passion is just as strong as our passion is over here. And I guarantee you there are 10,000 biomeds over there. Who’s clueless to the field. As far as they found the members, they get the same questions. So I think starting here, it’s a great start. And I thank you two, for putting me in this position to do it. Because I tell chase the first time I heard this podcast Thank you, sir. And I told you also same thing, but so I think we’re on the right path. Just communication.
Chyrill Sandrini 13:54
Do you know I was pretty nervous and and everyone can tell you, including my family that I was gonna do a podcast on htm, biomeds right. I don’t turn a wrench. I manage a surgical services division. We have a ton of biomeds at work for our company. I work with a lot of people like you guys, but I don’t turn around try and I thought who’s gonna turn into listen? Who’s gonna tune into listen?
Chace Torres 14:23
The guy turning the wrench?
Chyrill Sandrini 14:26
Yeah, that’s cool that that means a lot to me. Because you put it out there. You just don’t know.
Bryant Hawkins 14:33
If I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cut you off. It’s the same technique you use at the expos. I mean, you everyone that meets you. They enjoy you. Like my wife always tells me you talk to everybody. He said you’d never met a stranger have you? And I think people gravitate to your show because they can feel that through your expressions on your show. And I think that’s the same way with the podcast. They can feel the sincerity and your voices that will make them want to listen So that’s why you do such a great job.
Chyrill Sandrini 15:02
Thank you. You know, I think it’s because we care, right? We care, we’re trying to make a difference. And I really feel that it’s our responsibility in this industry to be stewards of that healthcare dollar and patient care. First mentality. Yes. And there has to be somebody out there putting it out there to let the world know that that is the mentality of biomed, right? Yes, I teach a class on customer service and career advancement for the biomed. Again, not that I’ve been a biomed. But I can help somebody in advance and how you should look up someone’s eyes and shake their hand as you enter a room and and all those you know, little niche things that can advance your career. Do you think that the introvert is more drawn to the career because typically, biomed’s in the basement? Or it’s an undercover job? It’s the pink pants are still in the diamonds? Like, what do you think draws an introverted person to the biomed industry? And work? Can we change that?
Bryant Hawkins 16:12
I can take that with first. I think more or less, the introvert is changing just because of the times, like right now, it’s 2022. And the ones that was working on the biomed equipment back when I begin, some of them was with facilities, and they just was there wasn’t really biomed trained. So they came through the ranks just grandfathered into that position. Well, today, they’re teaching about networking. So they’re teaching about how to use computers, and along with the biomed trade also. So I think that’s bringing a different type of breed into the industry now. So the introverts are kind of grandfathering out, they’re retiring. So the basement in the back doors are still there, unfortunately. Right. But I think that’s where we’re gonna see the change, in my opinion,
Chyrill Sandrini 17:05
Chace, what do you think like? So the younger generation coming in? How do you see that younger generation,
Chace Torres 17:12
I think I’m in an interesting spot, just because I’m older. I’ve been in the field for a while now, but I’m not necessarily new generation anymore. The newer techs, the tech ones that we’ve been adding to the career field, you know, they’re coming with different experiences, different societal norms, different, you know, generational gaps that, you know, each separate generation has, I mean, you know, I imagined when y’all came up, and everything, social media wasn’t really prevalent at all. And, you know, as I was going through, like, you know, I still remember growing up and not having a cell phone as a kid. And when I finally got one, I was almost an adult. Nowadays, everybody’s hooked up everybody’s LinkedIn. And not everybody has, you know, the will nor the comfort level to engage with people on a face to face basis. However, since we are biomed, we are HTS, we deal with having to speak to people we have to engage with, you know, our clinicians are anybody within the medical industry to really get the job done, otherwise, you’re not doing an effective job. So I do see, like, what Bryant said is that, you know, there are more technicians that are coming in that are more willing to extend a hand and communicate with people and build those relationships. But I just think since we’re in the positions we are, we just have to kind of nudge them a little bit further. And, you know, let them know that hey, you can do more.
Chyrill Sandrini 18:47
I’ll tell you guys a funny story. I was in a show. I don’t know I got a lot of I can’t remember what was I remember the hallway. And I stopped, I sat down to do an email on my cell phone. And these young biomeds came walking by, and there are htm insider hot topics, industry leaders, and they’re mumbling under their breath. So they couldn’t address me. But I took that as like a win I was like, no. We won’t like me
Chace Torres 19:19
in the eye. That’s half the battle.
Chyrill Sandrini 19:22
But they knew the tagline. So I really appreciate you guys coming on today. And you know, we’d like to wrap it up because you know, everyone’s time is important, but I really want to know from both of you, because I find you both intriguing, genuine, outgoing giving Souls is I want you to impart our listeners with your words of wisdom. Now it might be one word, two words. 10 words, but she’s gonna let you started off like so. Your word or words of wisdom.
Chace Torres 19:53
I’m sure Bryant is gonna be in the same boat as me. We have so many different words we can pull from but I’m just gonna go off what it’s All my new technicians, humility. So, as a biomed First thing first is we have to recognize that we’re not going to know everything, there’s always going to be a new piece of equipment, there’s always going to be a new situation, new repair new customer that may not exactly fit into what you’re used to. This goes into even the podcast realm. Having that discomfort can also be comforting in realizing that, Hey, it’s okay. You might not know everything, but you’re gonna get through it as long as you’re willing to put in the time, put in the work and put in the effort.
Chyrill Sandrini 20:36
Yeah, I really liked that he mentally is really important. And servitude, right? We are servants. We’re serving the medical industry, the clinicians, I really liked that Chace. So Bryant, what are your thoughts? What’s your words of wisdom, I can’t wait for this
Bryant Hawkins 20:51
glad Chase, use more than one word. So talk. I can elaborate to
Chyrill Sandrini 20:59
Well we are podcast hosts, we like to talk.
Bryant Hawkins 21:01
But it’s kind of twofold. I would like to give word of wisdom to technicians first and always tell a new technician do your best. Don’t be afraid to fail. I mean, we almost expect you to fail as a bmet one. And I always tell them, the first thing you do is refer to your service manual. Don’t try to go off of what you think you know, gonna fix this problem. Even if you know what’s going to fix it. Use the service manual. That’s my number one, go to him. Read the manual. And that’s my wisdom for technicians. And also tell them if they’re having a long day. Go up to the ICU. I still do that. Walk into ICU. Look at that patient on seven IV pumps. Then walk to the family room just peeping there, look at their family. They have a bad day. Oh, you’re making me tear up, Brian, you know, we’re not having a bad day, we have an A difficult rough moment. I said, That’s my motivation to them to get through the tough times. Now as managers, I can give words of wisdom. And maybe I’m not the smartest manager, but I believe in my heart of hearts. We are in the position of being servants to our technicians. Now people don’t look at it that way. But as a leader, it’s your job to serve, not your job to dictate. And I care about my people and I let them know I care about them. And I lead them with love. And that’s something the industry needs. I know it sounds corny, love, everybody needs love. But if you show your team that you care about them, they’ll run through a brick wall for you. So that’s what I was saying my words of wisdom for the managers. Love your team, by leaders lead them with love and not with just direction. Because we all have things we can work on. So that’s my wisdom for you.
Chyrill Sandrini 22:55
I love it.
Chace Torres 22:56
Yeah, he had to make us tear up.
Chyrill Sandrini 22:58
I did I started you know, I’m very close friend of mine. Two years ago, baby’s turning to, you know, touch and go coded out a couple of times. I’m born early. And I gotta tell you, you know, see, I’m gonna cry. I knew who those biomed were taking care of that equipment. Yes. You know, and that’s a really important you know, whether it’s your mom, your sister, your brother, your friend, your neighbor. Yes, that equipment matters as much as the the clinician handling that equipment does? Yes. Because nothing more. nothing more frustrating if that equipment you can’t save a life if the equipment doesn’t work, right?
Bryant Hawkins 23:43
anything. And I tell them that also. This morning we got a kudos from the house supervisor on the morning hold I wasn’t expecting it. But all she said was she appreciates about beds, attention. And that mental world us just six words she said, but that’s what we work for. We don’t We never get the glory, but we will get the blame. And we can fix the equipment all day. But that one IV pump that goes out. It’s our fault.
Chyrill Sandrini 24:13
Yep. So yep. Well, I gotta let you guys know that we are working on a class me and, you know, a leader in the industry. Um, it’ll be premiering soon. It’s called “Culture in the Biomed Shop: Do you have it because it doesn’t occur in a petri dish.” It is how to affect that culture? Because I think the way people move to the biomed industry, they don’t move necessarily for money. Sometimes that’s the case. Right? We know we’re always competing for the same people at $1 or two more. But I think the culture people leave managers, they don’t leave jobs. Yes. So for all like imparting a little bit of what we can affect the industry on I think, you know, that’s what you said. chase you, Bryant, and that we really try to affect the heart and soul of our biomed. Right and really make them understand that they’re doing a great job and give them the applause and the snaps, right?
Bryant Hawkins 25:12
Yes, yes. That’s it. I mean, I try to, I try to take them out to lunch. Show them, I appreciate it. I get slapped on the wrist a lot. That’s enough eating Bryant, you can’t. Well, that’s it shows that make that goes a long way with a technician, let’s go to lunch early, you know, so it’s something as simple as that goes a long way for them. Yeah,
Chace Torres 25:34
I agree. And I am happy that, you know, y’all are continuing to another generation. You know, they’re both your children in the biometric. You know, that’s awesome.
Bryant Hawkins 25:45
Yes, I’m still smiling. I’ll tell you. It was an awesome. I mean, it I’m not going to tell you it came like overnight. I didn’t push it to my son. So he didn’t figure out what he wanted to do. I said, You know what, man, this is what you don’t do. I said, trust me. If it’s not what you want, it can take care of you until you figure out what you want. And now that he’s in it, he doesn’t want to leave it. And it’s awesome. He’s just 19 years old. I’m like, I try to tell every youngster you can do this. And you can get your education further while you’re in the career. And some companies even pay for your further education. So
Chyrill Sandrini 26:25
and it’s a career let’s bottom line it it’s a real career with real advancement nationally. Yes. Right. Yes. Now a lot of careers can say that so Okay, thanks for coming on today. This is pretty much a cool thing to get three podcasters together and it’s awesome yeah share like the insights
Bryant Hawkins 26:49
are useless this video thing but I’m gonna try to get used that’s why I was saying
Chace Torres 26:53
we gotta get some video going Bryant. Video on the Line.
Chyrill Sandrini 26:59
Hey. Exactly what I was doing just threw it out there. Thank you for joining us listeners with HTM insider and you know, our guest today, Chace and Bryant if you want to follow HTM on the Line or the Bearded Biomed I suggest it and have any questions, get a hold of any of us because we’re always here to help. Have a blessed day.
Chace Torres 27:25
May the beard be with you.