The Next Generation of Biomeds
Nov 4, 2022

HTM Insider Mayra B.
Tue, Nov 01, 2022 10:22AM • 28:53
biomed, htm, people, mayra, industry, work, mentor, monitors, electronics, ventilators, female, youtube channel, teach, equipment, inspire, insider, machines, volunteer, learn, started
Chyrill Sandrini, Mayra Becerra
Chyrill Sandrini 00:13
Welcome back to HTM Insider. I’m your host Chyrill with MultiMedical Systems. And you know, we’ve been doing this for quite a while now. And I’m pretty excited today because I have another fabulous female in the industry that I want to introduce you to, you may know her as the biomed girl on her YouTube channel. But we’re gonna have a little bit of conversation and we want to share a little bit more about women in the industry. And we’ll get my risk point of view on, you know, how things are going for her and where she’s at. So with no further ado, I want to introduce my new friend, Mayra. Hi, everyone, introduce yourself to everyone.
Mayra Becerra 00:50
Hi, Chyrill. Thank you. My name, Well, my name is Mayra. Um, some people know me as The BioMed Girl. I’ve been a biomed for around six years now. And you know, I’m still I will say kind of new compared to all the people that have been in the industry for like, 30 plus years. And yeah, but you know, I’m here and happy to be joining your podcaster. And thank you for inviting me.
Chyrill Sandrini 01:23
Oh, of course. So Mayra and I met at Florida Biomedical Society, it was a meeting that I presented at, and we just clicked, you know, and we started talking and you know, we’re kind of like, “Hey, you’re my people. I’m your people.” And it was a really good conversation.
Mayra Becerra 01:42
Yes, I think it was because we are like positive minded people. You know, we like like, good energy. And I think that was like, the main thing, why we click so
Chyrill Sandrini 01:58
I agree. I agree, Mayra, let’s talk about your YouTube channel, the BioMed Girl, tell me how that started. And you know, what inspired you and what do you do on your YouTube channel.
So the YouTube channel started, when AAMI had a contest for HTM week. And the contest you had, you had to make a video about, you know, what is HTM. So that’s when I’m like, try to make it I tried to make that make a video. And then I don’t know, I was with my, with my partner. And then he was like, it wouldn’t be that great to have like a YouTube channel that you show what you do in your industry. I mean, think about this, you’re a female engineer in with tools and stuff, that’s kind of a niche thing. So I was like, I like the idea. You know, I’m a little shy. But I don’t see why I couldn’t make videos showing people what we do, especially like, a lot of people don’t know what we do in the in this industry. And also, there are no many females in the industry. So why not? Use me to show the world that our female can be environment and also show the world what Obama does, and also inspire young people. You know, because I’m still part of that young generation. Not so young, but I can still, you know, be part of that. So yeah, that’s how the YouTube channel started.
Chyrill Sandrini 03:46
I love it. I love it, Mayra. So tell us about your history. Like how did you get into biomed? Where are you from? Let’s hear where did Mayra come from?
So I’m originally from Colombia. I moved to United States when I was 17 years old. My mom was already living here. She’s the one that like, requested me and all of that. And honestly, I did. I was scared of moving to to America because I didn’t speak English. I’m a little bit introverted. So I was scared of like, you know, kind of creating a new life. And, but I was like, you know, she’s the one like, you gotta try it. If you don’t like it, you can come back to you can go back to your country. And do your life there. That was like, Okay, let me try this. So I finished high school. I was 17 when that happened. Wow. Yeah. So I said, Okay, let me try this. I finished high school, moved to United States to South Florida, and then went to college to learn English. And then I went I knew I wanted to do some kind of engineering. And but I, you know, I, I was trying to see universities and stuff and they were very expensive. And my family didn’t have that much money to pay for my university. So, I found out the college that I was going to learn my English, they had this biomed program, it was more focus on electronics. So most of the classes were electronics, and actually, that’s what like, catch my attention even more is that, you know, I like electronics. I think I when I was in Colombia wanted to be like an electrical engineer or mechanical engineer or something like that. But then I saw biomedical engineering, I’m like, That’s interesting. And my mom was like, Nah, you should do something like nursing No, go to, you know, be adopted. I’m like, I can’t be I don’t like blah, I numb it, and I don’t I don’t like needles, no mighty. So then I explained to her, I was like, well look at this program. You know, it’s related to the medical field. And he’s on the engineering side. So why not trying this and she’s like, Okay. And then I got into it. And I just from from the first day, I, I love that I love the school. I noticed I was like, in my whole class, we were like, probably 15-20 people, and usually was just one or two female in the classes. So I started noticing I’m like, Why, like, there are not so many females here? That, to me, that was weird, because I guess in my country that I mean, still, like male dominated field
Mayra Becerra 04:05
Chyrill Sandrini 04:27
but in my school that
or the way I grew up that’s not what they show me, you know, the way that taught me is like, you know, you can do anything and everything you want to do.
Chyrill Sandrini 07:02
So it’s a skill set. Right, right, Mayra? It’s not just for one, I guess, one, you know, race, male, female, it’s not a gender. It’s not it’s not specific. I mean, anybody can do if they put their mind to it, right? They have an interest in electronics?
Yes. So um, and then before I finish school, somebody advised me to go to hospital, and volunteer some hours to kind of get into the industry and get to know people like to network with people. So I did that. And then, you know, as a volunteer, you just go and help any unit and help the secretaries there to organize paperwork or whatever. And then so that’s how it started. But that first day that I started, I talked to the Secretary that I was with helping, and she’s like, so why, why are you here? Normally, we have like, you look young, but you don’t look like your high school. I’m like, well, so I told her what my goal was, this is like, Oh, hold on one second. So she called biomed. She’s like, Hey, can you come here? We have something for you. So the guy his name was Ruben. He went up to that floor. And, you know, she introduced us and he’s like, Oh, come we have openings for students, volunteers come. So I started that first day that I was a volunteer that I started in the biomed department there. And, you know, I did my my volunteer hours that eventually helped me to do my internship. And, and like six months later, or seven months later, I graduated. And they had an opening. And they ended up calling me. They actually were looking for a female to be more dedicated to the women’s area, you know, like labor and delivery to NICU. And that was initially their their idea with it. But I mean, nowadays, I am all over the place in the hospital and I’ve been in that hospital since then.
Chyrill Sandrini 09:21
Good for you, Mayra. So where are you working now?
So I started when I started doing like, blood pressure like Dynamaps, I started with infusion pumps, compression pumps. And then from there, I moved I started like, labor and delivery equipment, you know, like baby equipment like incubators, fetal monitors, monitoring system that then I got into more into the monitoring system. And when I went for training for Phillips training For our monitoring system, and all the sudden I became like the expert, because the person that was the expert, he quit. And I was the only one like, Okay, you just went for training, you can do this. So, yeah, it was tough. It was like a really hard way to learn that, because I didn’t have like anybody around me to actually, you know, show me what to do. But a lot of the times I learned like that in any, it may, it taught me that, I don’t always need somebody to tell me or show me what to do, I have to think about, you know, the process to solve all the issues that we have there. And he made me like, more confident of what I’m capable of. And so after that, um, I, you know, I did ventilators in again, during COVID I was like the ventilators person. So during COVID, it was tough, you know, it was monitors and ventilators. And that was like the main the main thing. And so I was running all over the hospital trying to create new ideas of how to we can monitor patients from this area that we have in use and it was a lot but, we that also taught me a lot and and then I went to OR equipment, you know. Whatever you can think of that is in the OR SF for anesthesia machines, I don’t do we have a person that specializes in that. So that I don’t do but other than that, I pretty much work on anything you can see in the OR. That’s what I am right now.
Chyrill Sandrini 11:52
So inspiring. I love your story. I love your energy, your smile never quits. It’s every time I saw you over that weekend. It’s like, Oh, that’s a good smile, I love it.
Yeah, yes, you know, I’m a happy person, you know, I enjoy every single moment that it’s in my life, I enjoy the people around me, I enjoy my my job, actually, you know, makes me happy what I do. And it makes the, you know, what we do as biomed. It’s like, we we helped to take care of the patient, like behind the scenes. So in the end, you’re actually caring for patients as well. So, you know, it’s good. And I also have an amazing family that are always there to support me for anything I need in, in, you know, what else do I need?
Chyrill Sandrini 12:47
That’s awesome Mayra. So what do you aspire to do? Like, where do you see yourself in five years?
Mayra Becerra 12:54
Um, well, in five years, probably I see myself in a starting leadership role. As biomed. You know, I been I took my I recently finished my bachelor’s in technology management. And I wanted something that will, like help me to develop my skills, just in case one day, I get that opportunity to lead people in, you know, manage a whole biomed program, because a lot of the times he has these experiences, the years and sometimes you get lucky and get into that, or sometimes some people don’t see it as being a lucky person. But, you know, so I have worked to develop my leadership skills. And well, hopefully I get into that role in five years.
Chyrill Sandrini 13:57
And I’m sure you will be I’m sure you will be.
Mayra Becerra 14:00
Thank you. And other than that, in personal life, just keep traveling. Keep being happy.
Chyrill Sandrini 14:12
I love it. Yes. Nice, me too. I like meeting new people like yourself and seeing new areas. So I want to talk to you. So when we were in Florida, you and I had a really great conversation about culture and the HTM shop. Right? Yes, I want to know more because we got into some great ideas. So let’s say you’re a manager, how can you affect a positive culture? What would a team need to you know, follow your lead and what what would you inspire them to be?
You have to start with yourself. You have to start with yourself being positive. And that you know that’s contagious. Yeah. And like, some days I get to work and I’m like, I don’t know, tired or, you know, some, it’s not always like, you know, everything beautiful, though some days that are something going on, but there is always somebody on the hallway that is happy. And that makes me happy. I’m like, Mike, so that, you know, that’s contagious that positive energy is contagious. Also, treat people well, anybody that you come across, doesn’t matter who, if it’s from the highest position to, to whatever it is, you gotta treat them, like you want to be treated? You know? But yeah, it is. Sometimes it’s hard for people to be nice, you know. And in something like that is so simple. Any brings, like, good things back to you as well. So I started from that also understanding people, you know, like, just like, probably they didn’t have a good day, somebody didn’t have a good day, and maybe care about them and ask them, you know, is there anything I can do to help you to feel better? Or just invite them for a coffee, or bring them a little chocolate, something that you know, will make them feel better? And show them that you care about them.
Chyrill Sandrini 16:26
That’s all right. Yeah, yeah. Human beings, right?
Yeah, we’re humans. I know, sometimes I work with good, like robots, like, get things done, done, done. But we’re humans, we have feelings. And we need to acknowledge that in, you know, it’s, it’s part of part of the job. It’s also being human, you know, have a little heart.
Chyrill Sandrini 16:52
Right? No, you’re exactly right. And I think that’s one of the challenges, you know, in the industry, we get so busy trying to, you know, check the boxes, and check off the list and check off that PMs done. And we forget to get or maybe interact and care about each other a little bit more.
Yes, it can, you know, sometimes it becomes second nature just to do your job and be like, be gone. But if you don’t take the moment to at least say Hi, how’s your day going? You know, so and, even like at work, sometimes, you know, I do my rounds in the or in the mornings. And a lot of the times is more like talking to people ask them how you’re doing. Because when once you build that, that connection, that bound with the customer, whoever, then when they have a problem, or when you have a problem, you know that you’re going to take care of them, or they’re going to take care of you, you know, whatever the situation is,
Chyrill Sandrini 17:58
I love that Mayra. So if there’s one thing in the HTM, what would you change in the HTM industry? If there was something that you could, you know, really have a change moment in your career? What would it be?
Um, I would like for us to be well, for us, no, I would like the world to know more about us
Mayra Becerra 18:22
what we do
Chyrill Sandrini 18:23
Just acknowledgement of the career.
Yes, that in also, I would like to have more people coming into into the industry, you know, because I don’t think I mean, I know it’s like our job as biomeds to help grow that industry, or like they say, grow the pipeline for biomed. So, but that’s one of the things I would like to change.
Chyrill Sandrini 18:51
Yeah, I agree. It’s a, it’s a career field. We’ve talked about this many times on HTM insider, that people just don’t know about it. Right. And when they find out about it, you can see the eyes gone. Really? I never thought of that. Right. Yeah. So how do you feel about mentorship? I know we kind of had a little bit of conversation one day about, you know, being good mentors in this industry, which I know you are, but it’s I think we need to spread that right.
We Yeah, that’s so important. I don’t know if I’m good mentor, I hope I am, but something I noticed I love mentoring people. Because I’m so yes, because I’m so patients and I like to explain things. And if you don’t understand, I don’t have a problem explaining you again, and if you still don’t understand, I’ll find a different way to explain it to you until I feel like you you know, and I don’t I don’t lose again. I don’t lose my patience because some people don’t that some people are like I’m done with you. I already explained this to you and I’m done. No, you know, we all learn in different ways. Yeah, you know, so you gotta have some enter, you gotta kind of know your person, the person that you’re teaching, and then ask them, you know, some, some people like to take notes or some others like to do it with their hands. So they, they learn, you know, so, mentoring, it’s very important in this field, because, again, there are no many schools out there that will teach you like exactly what needs to get done. At a hospital, there are just very few schools that actually will teach you on also, if you go to the military, that’s when you actually learn the good stuff. But other schools like for example, mine is more focused on electronics and stuff. So you know, you learn most of the things I work in, that’s when you need a good mentor. And not just for biomed stuff. Also, if you want to become a leader, finding a good mentor to, to be a leader, that’s, that’s very important. So,
Chyrill Sandrini 21:08
So if you could talk to the young women that are out there that might be listening. Can you give them some advice? Like, should I get in this field? Like how do I get in this field? And can they contact you?
Oh, um, you know, other than the YouTube channel, I also have Instagram account and Tik Tok account. And I have a lot of people like reaching out and asking me questions and stuff. And I always answer the questions, because that’s what I want. I want people to, you know, get to know us. And then you a lot of times, you don’t know what’s out there. So yeah, I’m happy when they come in, ask me questions. I’m happy to answer any I tell them if I don’t know the answer, I can at least direct them to somebody that I know, probably knows the answer. But my, my message for them is, well, first of all, you need to like tools. Because we use tools in this industry. And me honestly, I just knew the basic tools. Before getting in the field. I just knew the basic tools, but with the time on there, I’ll learn how to use them. I learned the names, and I enjoy using them. Second thing is that you need to have or develop good, like good troubleshooting skills. And that requires a lot of thinking and a lot of like, if you weren’t good, you know, put like building puzzles and stuff, then this is for you. If you like video, video games, video games is good. If you like video games, then that’s also good. Because that makes you think a lot a lot in this industry. You have to think a lot, you know, you have a problem. And then you have to find a solution. But you know, it’s a whole like process to get to that solution.
Chyrill Sandrini 23:05
It’s not always the same path, right? The day is different every day.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, that’s I think one of the things I love the most of this industry is that is that every single day, I learned something new, every single day. In You know, it’s could be you could have your basic still. But you know, all the machines are different. And they upgrade these machines every so often. So they’re not, you know, they work similar but not the same.
Chyrill Sandrini 23:38
Right? No, you’re exactly right. And it seemed like the models are always changing. There’s an update that’s being done, and you got to stay on top of it.
Mayra Becerra 23:46
Yeah, and now, you know, these machines are more integrated with, like, technology and stuff. So definitely, there’s gonna be always like, evolution of the equipment and yeah, and even like, yeah, that’s when that’s when now the hot topic is you know, biomed and it because a lot of that is being connected to networks and then we have to be careful with you know, with cyber attacks and all that stuff. So,
Chyrill Sandrini 24:17
yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s very interesting. How would they reach you? How do they find you? Why don’t you tell us how to find you at TikTok and all your channels.
You can find me as the biomed girl. So @thebiomedgirl. Anywhere, YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok on LinkedIn is my name Myra Becerra. And my email is also the
Chyrill Sandrini 24:55
Very easy to find you. Yes. BioMed Girl You’re gonna find Mayra. I’ll get you and I’ll put you in touch with my read, just give me a call or send me. Definitely. I really enjoy you personally, I mean, I think you’re a wonderful, wonderful resource in the HTM industry, you’re an inspiration to all and especially young women out there. So I want you to give me your Wow word, or words, your word or words of wisdom to this industry that somebody could hang on to what would that be?
Mayra Becerra 25:34
To be positive.
Chyrill Sandrini 25:37
I love it. Yes.
Mayra Becerra 25:39
Because when you’re positive, you always find a solution for any problem. Or you will have people that are willing to help you. So,
Chyrill Sandrini 25:51
Yeah, it is it all starts with that smile, right away when you walked in the room, and someone said the BioMed Girl is gonna be here. I’m like, oh, YouTube. I love it. Love it.
Yeah, another thing I do is that I’m part of the board members for the Florida BioMedical Society. You know, I’m kind of new into that, that role that started like, back in June, or May. But um, that is also a good way to develop leadership skills. I was kind of when they offer that the first time I was like, Yeah, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. And they offer that the second time, like within a month and I’m like, Okay, I think I need to be there. And I was like, but I don’t know what I’m gonna do there. And they’re like, don’t worry, we’re gonna teach you how like, Okay, so now I’m like, surrounded by these great people in that room that they know so much. And they have so many ideas and like, they put this whole event that is a huge event. And to see all the planning behind the scenes is like, wow, it’s incredible. Yeah. Yeah. And also, I’m the chair for the South Florida Biomedical Society. And that also helps, you know, that helps me to develop my leadership skills, but also to be involved with my community, and I try to inspire, you know, all the biomeds around me to come to these meetings. And you know, that’s also another good thing that I enjoy doing.
Chyrill Sandrini 27:42
Yeah, I love that FBS group. I know MultiMedical Systems, I’ll be there. I’ll be teaching a class and, you know, meeting everybody I love I love that conference in December.
Mayra Becerra 27:55
It is fun.
Chyrill Sandrini 27:58
It is it is a lot of fun. Again, thank you for joining us today. It’s been a pleasure having you on and I look forward to interacting with you in the future. And you know, if you guys aren’t following Mayra, please do and you know, you can check out HTM Insider, there’s lots of episodes out there that you can listen to or you can watch or you can read comes in all kinds of formats. If you listen on Tech Nation, you actually get a CEU credit. So if you need anything you know, I’m always here my res here for you. And thank you for joining us for another episode of HTM Insider. We’ll see you next time. Thank you. Bye Mayra!
Mayra Becerra 28:37
Bye Chyrill. Thank you.